red silver hearts

Chapter 9: Drowning in the past
My feet continue pedaling on their own accord as I distance myself even further from that bastard. Why did he have to show up here of all places!? He even had the nerve to talk to me after everything he’s done back at the academy. What’s his deal!? Just because he’s...

Chapter 8: The ghost of Meteor Falls
I almost can’t believe my parents, especially Dad, are letting me travel with my handsome, silver stranger. I’ve always thought that once I embarked on my adventure, I would be alone with a partner Pokemon that the Academy selected for me. While Steven may have picked...

Chapter 7: My battle for freedom
Dad and I walk to opposite ends before we face each other. His Slaking strolls until he stands next to him. My dad crosses his arms as he waits for me to get ready. Blaze jumps down from my shoulders, staring up at the gigantic Pokemon bravely. Taillow nods at me and...

Chapter 6: An unexpected feud. An unexpected deal.
Steven and I finally arrive at Littleroot’s entrance. We quickly get down from Skarmory’s back, and he pets his Pokemon partner in appreciation. “You should be a professional pilot Skar. You’ll become richer than me,” Steven jokes. This makes Skarmory laugh in return....

Chapter 5: My first Pokemon battle
We all rest for about an hour or so until we begin walking away from the foot of Mt. Chimney. Steven happily pets Skarmory while humming a fancy tune. “What song is that?” I ask. He stops his sweet melody, flashing me a smile. “It’s Le Clair, one of my favorite...

Chapter 4: A race against Torchic
The “famous” Torchic happily bounces in circles around Steven after he finishes treating its wounds. The four of us are now relaxing in a forest at the base of Mt Chimney. Luckily, we haven’t seen any sign of that red-dressed man and his lackey. They must be...

Chapter 3: Protecting our little friend
“What kind of Pokemon have you always desired May?” Steven asks. Before I could even answer him, he suddenly makes a sharp turn as we barely avoid crashing into a flock of Swablu. I squeeze his torso tighter which causes Steven to check on me concernedly. I get...

Chapter 2: Getting to know Steven Stone
I yelp when the doctor finishes wrapping my bandages around my arms. She smiles as soon as she’s done. “There you go! You’re good to go!” Dr. Lynn says. I lightly brush my fingers against the bandages. “Why did the medicine hurt so much? Isn’t medicine supposed...

Chapter 1: Meeting the handsome silver stranger
Sometimes I feel like Arceus secretly hates me. I’m 17 years old, and I’m already at my lowest in life. I’ve prayed to Arceus everyday for one thing. Just one thing. To have my own Pokemon. I could probably live without a boyfriend, money, or friends. But I’m...
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