Hi lovely,
My name is Nicole, and welcome to Nikkaflora.
Our mission is to help people create stories and show everyone how much fun storytelling is. We are also here to empower YOU to create your dream life.
All of us has one shot on this beautiful planet. Let’s make the most of it!
We share stories, creativity tips, and personal growth knowledge on our blog and on the Nikkaflora Channel every weekend.
New chapters of Red Silver Hearts are currently on hiatus.
Latest posts
What makes a great antagonist? (Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z)
Have you ever thought about what makes a great antagonist? Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z serves as an excellent example. Whenever I brainstorm...
What makes a great protagonist? (Goku from Dragon Ball)
Have you ever wondered what makes a great protagonist? Such as Goku from Dragon Ball for example? This is a question I think about whenever I create...
Different types of characters in books and movies
Whether you’re a novel writer or an aspiring filmmaker, it’s important to learn about the different types of characters in books and movies. These...

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