A 2022 vision board is the perfect tool to help you design your dream life.

It provides direction and boosts your creativity. Most importantly, a vision board is a foundation of hope and faith.

I know exactly how powerful vision boards are because I first made one back in 2016. 

Honestly, 2016 was one of the most difficult periods I suffered through. 

The friends I had at the time were terrible people and constantly made me miserable. While I eventually dropped them, I still ate lunch by myself at school and didn’t have anyone to hang out with for most of the year. 

I dropped out of AP and honors classes because I didn’t have the heart to study anymore.

And I was poor. It sucked staying at home because I didn’t have money to do fun activities such as bowling or mini golf.

Looking back at that hellish year, it feels like a nightmare that happened decades ago. Right now, I actually like my life and I’m in a much better position. 

I talk to my amazing friends everyday. They are really nice people who love and respect me.

I returned to AP in senior year once I was able to study intensely again. It paid off because AP helped me save money for college.

I’m also not poor anymore. I got a full-time job later on which put money in my pocket and developed my professional skills.

My life changed for the best because I made a vision board and held onto faith that my life will improve. No matter what obstacles stood in my way.

Click on the image above to watch the video or scroll below to read the blog post.

Whether or not you’ve been through the same circumstances as me, I still encourage you to make your own vision board.

It’s a fun project where you can get some hands-on fun. And it is a powerful tool for goal-making.

Many people set goals every year. I’m specifically talking about New Year’s resolutions. Examples can include losing weight, getting a new job, getting a makeover, and eating healthier.

Some people write these down in a list. In my opinion, a list of words by themselves may not be as motivating to follow.

A poster board is much more interesting. It will have images related to your goals, and it’s just a colorful project to do. I spent a generous amount of time making mine. And it’s worth every second.

Hanging your board onto a wall or having it in a space you frequent everyday also reinforces your goals into your mind. It will inspire you to get out there and crush your goals.

My 2022 Vision Board

Before we get down to making the board, let me show you how mine turned out first. I categorized it into different aspects of life: you, relationships, health, and career. 

I looked online to see how others made their boards, but a lot of the ones I saw were only images. It’s fine if you want to do only images. I personally like adding words to highlight what my goals are.

In this section, I focused more on self-love and self-care. 

For example, it says to “have a self-care day” in the blue heart. We need days where we can unwind and relax. I wrote down “go on vacation” since I love traveling. It’s something I want to do more often in the near future. 

I also wrote down “be more productive” because anyone can benefit from it. One tip to help you improve efficiency is to maintain a clean and organized desk. Clutter usually impedes your ability to focus on tasks.

This section focuses mainly on physical health. 

I glued images related to cooking. Cooking meals at home is healthier, depending on what you make. I do get tired of eating takeout after a while. 

Sleep is something I will always prioritize. Luckily, I usually get enough sleep. 

Getting a physical is a goal I have for later in the year. Some people don’t like going to the doctor, but it’s important to get regular checkups just to make sure that your body is doing well.

Moving on to the third section, this one is about career. 

Learning new skills makes you employable for the workforce. A degree does help, but actual work experience is more valuable. Every job in the past taught me different skills, and it was applicable toward future jobs. 

Saving money is self-explanatory. Sometimes life will punch you in the face. It’s good to have money on the side to prepare for these unexpected incidents.

This last section is another favorite of mine. I made it about relationships in general. 

Of course it’s always nice to spend time with family and friends. I love this picture of the family holding up the letters in the sunset. As well as the picture of the 3 women laughing and having a good time together.

I also chose this picture of a couple riding a bike together and tagged it with “ask out your crush”.

If you have your eye on someone, ask them to go on a bike ride with you. Then ask them out on a date if you two are vibing well together. 

It’s a really cute idea. Let me know if any of you try this and how it turned out.

So yeah, that is my vision board for 2022. Since you guys got to see what it looks like, let’s make one together.

How to design your dream life with a 2022 vision board

  1. The first thing to do is to write down a list of your goals. There’s not really a limit on how many you can pick, but I would start with 3 to 5. I know mine had 12 goals, but let’s start with 3 to 5 for now. And then make more if you can.
  1. After you finish your list, get a piece of paper and draw what you want your board to look like. I know you can start making the board already. But if you glue the images at this point and don’t like how it looks, then you’ll have to get a new board and start over.
  1. Once you’re done with your list and sketches, pick which board you want to use. In this blog post, I chose a black foam poster board from Dollar Tree. Black is simple and versatile, but feel free to get whatever style suits you. You can even get a smaller or bigger board if you want. The size of the board I picked is 20 x 30 inches. Keep the size of your board in mind before you create your images.
  1. After you got your board, make a digital board of the images you want to use on Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Or any software you’re comfortable with. You can print out 1 copy to test out the sizes of your images on your board and adjust the sizes whenever necessary.
  1. Once you got your images, you can begin cutting them out. Place them on the board. Don’t glue anything yet.
  1. If you want to use words like how I did in my board, you can write down your goals on notecards or construction paper. Place these on the board to your liking. If you don’t want to write out your goals by hand, you can also type out your goals online, print them, and use those instead.
  1. Rearrange everything until you like how your board looks. After you’re done doing this, glue all of the elements together.
  1. And the last step is to sit back and enjoy your new board. Good job everyone!

Thank you for reading my blog post! I hope you enjoyed it! 💜

I had so much fun making my board and this article. Crafting projects just make my heart flutter.

If you make your own board after reading this, I’d love to see what it looks like. If you have Instagram, you can upload a post of what your board looks like. You can reach out to me in the comments on Instagram and let me know that you made your own board. I’ll go over and check out what you made.

Comment down below if you plan on making your own vision board. Have you ever made one before, or is this your first time?

If you want to join the Nikkaflora fam for this journey, subscribe to my email list and social media below. You’ll stay updated and receive additional content. Let’s create, appreciate, and f*** hate!

💜 Nicole 💜

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