Chapter 1: Meeting the handsome silver stranger

Chapter 1: Meeting the handsome silver stranger

Sometimes I feel like Arceus secretly hates me. I’m 17 years old, and I’m already at my lowest in life. I’ve prayed to Arceus everyday for one thing. Just one thing. To have my own Pokemon.  I could probably live without a boyfriend, money, or friends. But I’m...
Design your dream life with a 2022 vision board

Design your dream life with a 2022 vision board

A 2022 vision board is the perfect tool to help you design your dream life. It provides direction and boosts your creativity. Most importantly, a vision board is a foundation of hope and faith. I know exactly how powerful vision boards are because I first made one...
Short Story 4: The real estate wife

Short Story 4: The real estate wife

Short Story 4: The real estate wife is something I’m proud to share for this lovely post. I wasn’t planning on writing a story so soon after I published 10,000 hours and counting. However, this story is the result of the writing process I unveiled in my previous blog...

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